Vision We aspire to be a leader in industrial construction by adding innovation and providing state of the art equipment.

Construction Company aim is to provide value-added construction services to our clients by creating a successful partnership with them throughout the construction process. The promise is to set up long lasting relationships with this buyers through outperforming their particular targets as well as increasing their particular believe in by way of exceptional overall performance through every single person in your construction workforce.

Wasmi holding company aims at becoming a trusted and vital partner to its clients across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Our goal and concern is to provide reliable value added construction services to our customers We at washmiholding are committed to deliver the best possible service through our talented and highly qualified staff.wasmiholding set long lasting relationships with costumers through outperforming their particular targets.
Corporate Offices Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia 
PO BOX 21000 Al Ahsa - OYOUN -331982
President Abdul Aziz Wasmi Al Khaleeb
  • Oil Pipeline Constaruction
  • Pipe Line Protection
  • Road Construction
  • Heavy Machinery
Wasmi Hammad Al Khaleeb
---Work hard and accomplish your goals, but in mean while do not forget your responsibilities and people around you, thats what will make you successful and your company prosperous..
Abdul Aziz Wasmi Al Khaleeb
Sattam Wasmi Al Khaleeb
tareq Wasmi Al Khaleeb
Talal Wasmi Al Khaleeb
Wasmi Holding ethics and compliance program is based on the company’s Ethics and Integrity policy. The policy covers all the standards regarding employee behavior and conduct. It also enables our employees to report any concern or failures in compliance directly to audit section of Wasmi Holding. The Audit committee anually helps company to redefine policies keeping ethical values in view. The Ethical and compliance policy of Wasmi Holding covers the following areas
1. Child Labor 5. Compensation
2. Forced Labor 6. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
3. Harassment and Discrimination 7. Environment, Health and Safety
4. Work Hours 8. Responsibility and Implementation
  • Governance – Board of Directors
There are currently four Board committees in the Board Committee Structure: Audit, Finance and Corporate Strategy, Corporate Governance and Nominating, and Organization and Compensation.
  • Audit
The Audit Committee assists in integrity of the corporation's financial statements, legal and regulatory requirements, the independent auditors' qualifications and independence, and the performance of the corporation's internal audit function and its independent auditors.
  • Finance and Corporate Strategy
This Committee deals with the financial structure and strategic direction of the corporation, recommends revisions to the corporation’s capital structure; mergers, acquisition and divestiture activities.
  • Corporate Governance and Nominating
This committee helps in monitoring and developing the corporation’s corporate governance practices and procedures as well as risks related to the Corporation’s corporate governance structure, practices and procedures.
  • Organization and Compensation
This committee evaluates and reviews the performance, recommends compensation policies and plans, executive staffing and succession planning, organizational development, and equal opportunity and diversity policies which helps to develop organizational leadership.

--Diversity: the art of thinking independently together.--

Malcolm Forbes

Wasmi Holding is strong believer that diversity represents an environment of open communication where the contributions of all employees are valued. A Succesful business inhibits every attribute such as respect, acceptance and learning. The attributes that make us unique individuals – culture, ethnicity, race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, nationality, education, life experience and beliefs – allow us to provide each other with insights that may not otherwise be realized. As a multicultural organization, We embrace human differences and harnesses the power of its employees’ varied backgrounds, cultures and experiences to create a competitive edge.

Wasmi Holding like other best business have global mission for diversity to provide a business environment that:

1. Maximizes the benefits derived from a diverse workforce
2. Promotes a culture that encourages every individual to contribute to the success of the business
3. Values differences in the background and experiences of individuals

Valuing diversity also creates better working relationships with suppliers, customers and communities. Sharing and capitalizing on diverse perspectives generally results in better idea generation, more thoughtful dialogue and, ultimately, premier products. Wasmi Holding provides full opportunity to every individual to take part in Company without descrimination.
“What's the use of a fine house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?”
― Henry David Thoreau, Familiar Letters
― Henry David Thoreau, Familiar Letters
As a construction company working on some of the KSA’s most important projects, quality of delivery is a priority.
The Wasmiholding’s quality management system spans all phases of the project life cycle, from preliminary feasibility analysis and concept development through to final commissioning of the project. Meeting the systems objectives requires a clear understanding of the qualitative and quantitative principles of management, costings, programme and delivery as applied to each project.

Wasmiholding operates and is committed to a behavioural safety programme known as IIF (Incident and Injury Free). Our intent is to change the culture at a 'hearts and minds' level and to nurture human responses within our workforce to keeping themselves and others safe.
"Your employees learn by example. If they don't see you practicing good safety habits, they won't think safety is important."
At the highest level, health and safety is our key responsibility. That’s why we are committed to working incident and injury free.
As on projects, Wasmi Holding is also focused and concerned about the safety of its employees working in the field. With high saftey and precautions, Wasmi Holding have reduced its injury rates making best of health and saftey performance in last year.
Wasmi Holding saftey matrics are defined by senior management and employees. For the third year in a row,Wasmi Holding recorded evident decline in injuries.

We are committed to continuing to improve its status as an industry leader in safety regardless of business sector. The graph below shows the relative performance in lost-time case rate for Visteon compared with various relevant industries.

Safety Day was intended to elevate awareness of the importance of safety at work, as well as to encourage employees to follow safe practices away from the workplace.